River Riding Doctor

Before there was an Adelante Mujer, Sister Ann heard about an excellent medical student of URACCAN University who was struggling to pay her tuition. Sister Ann went to the university bursar, askedfor Ana’s bills, and paid the meager amount that Ana had charged in the hope that someday, somehow she could pay. Sister delivered the receipt to Ana at her home and promised Ana that when she returned to the US she would look for donors to help finance her medical education.

Sister Ann did find wonderful, generous donors who will forever be connected to the young, studious Ana who completed medical school at the top of her 2014 class. During 2015 Dr. Ana did her required year of internship at the hospital in Puerto Cabezas. 2016 finds Dr. Ana assigned to northeastern Nicaragua where she walks, rides, or takes a boat to remote areas to deliver the medical care she hoped to share with the needy people of her country.

Doctor Ana is on the way!  Twelve other Adelante Mujer doctors are coming!  Twenty-three additional Adelante Mujer medical students are preparing now!  Thanks to Sister Ann and Adelante Mujer donors.

by Sister Diane, CSA ~ September 12, 2016
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