Sometimes life does not deal the cards we hoped to receive. Sadly, Karen Heuberger has been put in that position. Her cancer has returned and requires an indefinite length of treatment which prompted her to resign as Executive Director after two years of devoted service to Adelante Mujer. Karen wrote, “While I have tried to serve Adelante Mujer and our students Continue reading “Adelante! Advance! Forward!”
¡Muchas Gracias!
Throughout the year, we receive emails from the women in our program. They often share their gratitude for the support we provide through your generosity. Here are a few of the many expressions of appreciation we have received over the past year. Some of them are from women who have been in the program for a while. Others came from students who had just been accepted when they wrote us. Continue reading “¡Muchas Gracias!”
As we transition to a new year, Adelante Mujer is going through a transition of its own. Marie Trebec, who has been serving our organization since 2018, is retiring. Sister Mary Christine Fellerhoff, CSA, is taking over the position of Administrative Assistant of Adelante Mujer. For the past month, Marie has been training Sister Mary Christine on the programs, processes, and software used in our office.
Marie (left) training Sister Mary Christine on office procedure at Adelante Mujer
In Their Own Words
In July, we shared that our campaign to raise money for computers was a success. Our onsite coordinator in Nicaragua wrote, “The girls told me to say thanks for this great help and some of them said that they were going to say thanks personally, they are so happy and thankful.” Many of the women have written to show their gratitude for the computers, and for ongoing financial support. We would like to share some of that appreciation in their own words.
“I already received the computer and I want to thank you infinitely for the support that you and together with the Continue reading “In Their Own Words”
Passing the Baton
Throughout my 63 years as a Sister of St. Agnes, I have been blessed to work in various exciting and fulfilling ministries. Without a doubt, roles I played in Adelante Mujer these last seven-plus years were the ultimate definition of exciting and fulfilling! Working with Sister Ann McKean, CSA, PhD, the Foundress of Adelante Mujer, was never boring because her brilliant mind and daily ideas to improve the world were forever expanding. Interacting with more than one hundred medical students who overcome challenges beyond our comprehension was inspiring. Collaborating with numerous personnel in Nicaragua was a privilege and blessing as was working with our own office staff in Fond du Lac. Continue reading “Passing the Baton”
Meet Our 14 Newest Doctors
On Saturday, March 23, 2019, in Bilwi/Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua the fifth class of doctors raised their right hands and pronounced Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors through the ages. Congratulations to 14 industrious young women for their courage to pursue higher education! Continue reading “Meet Our 14 Newest Doctors”