Prospective New Doctors

It’s that time of year again when potential new students in the Adelante Mujer program start the application process. This semester we have ten women who have applied and completed interviews! These women are all in their second year of the Intercultural Medicine program at URACCAN University. While most of these women come from the northeast area of Nicaragua, a few come from further south or west.  But they all come with a passion for helping their people.  

Continue reading “Prospective New Doctors”

My Soul Friend, Sister Ann











I entered the Intercultural Medicine Program at URACCAN University when it first began in 2009.  I could not afford even the mínimum program fees and had to charge them.  During my second year I was stressed about how I would ever be able to follow my dream to become a doctor.  It was then that I first met Sister Ann McKean, CSA at the convent in Bilwi, Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua and I told her my problem.  That ángel of mine went to the university and paid my fees and when she brought the receipt to my home, I cried.  That was how I became the first Adelante Mujer student and that was the beginning of my beautiful relationship with Sister Ann Continue reading “My Soul Friend, Sister Ann”

Made for Goodness and Compassion

Photo of Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Photo by John Mathew Smith. Licensed under the CCPL

God’s dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family, that we are made for togetherness, for goodness, and for compassion. – Desmond Tutu

With the recent passing of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, I thought it might be a good time to reflect on his life and some of the wisdom he shared with the world.  Tutu was a passionate man who believed in the equality of all people and worked for the rights of the oppressed.  He believed everyone deserved a quality education, stating, “It is our moral obligation to give every child the very best education possible.” When Tutu graduated high school in 1950, he wanted to become a doctor and had been accepted into medical school.  However, his parents couldn’t afford the tuition.  He was able to get a scholarship to study education, so was able to go to college. Continue reading “Made for Goodness and Compassion”