Fifth-year student Marianna wrote and sent us this photo:
I was able to help out in the maternity room at the Nancy Bach New Dawn Hospital where we offer care to all the mothers in the room for the newborn. We talked about child care, also how to look out for dangerous signs of an infant and the benefits of breast feeding, especially the first six months of the baby’s life.
Kenia, fourth-year student, wrote this report:
I am still following the case of Doña Adilia. I monitor her blood pressure, watching her state of health and I counsel her toward good practices of health since she is a person of low resources.
In New Dawn Hospital, in the maternity room, there is much work to perform because of the many women of our community who come to this center to make use of our services. For that reason I decided on my days off to go as a volunteer to give support in this area of health.
Keila, sixth-year student shared the following:
In this photo I was at the maternity house which is a unit where pregnant women from the community come. In the community where they live, there are no available resources to assist the necessities during their pregnancy or a place for them to stay. At this unit, women are provided with lodging, care, and food, in order to help deliver the baby without any complications for either the mother or child.
This photo shows a postpartum woman with sutures made in her abdomen. I am removing them and treating the wounds with gauze and Betadine because cleaning of them is important. If the wound is not healed, an infection could develop in the wound and could cause death.
by Adelante Mujer Students ~ January 26, 2017
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