
“Y tu?”–“And you–What About You”

When Pope Francis visited the United States last month he related the exchange between young Katharine Drexel and Pope Leo XIII.  When Katharine lamented to the Holy Father about the neglect and treatment of Native and African Americans in the US, he asked her a simple question: “And you—What about you?”

Pope Francis
Pope Francis

The inquiry changed Katharine’s life forever.  She returned home and spent her remaining years and all her family inheritance founding schools to educate the underserved minorities of her time.  www.katharinedrexel.org

Katharine Drexel
Katharine Drexel

Many people who heard the story were inclined to apply the question to themselves.  “What about ME?” they asked.  There is no way that I could invest my time or my life like Katharine did.  My talents are not the kind that would benefit even a fraction of the people that she did.  And money!  We live comfortably but my finances could never assist the disadvantaged to any significant degree.  Katharine had it all:   Time. Talent.  Treasure.  I don’t.

True, Katharine did have it all and she gave it all.  For us who do not have “it all,” the question still applies.  “What about ME?”  If, at this time in our lives, we don’t have time, maybe there is a way we can share our talents.  If we can’t possibly spare either of those blessings right now, maybe we have a little extra money and could help support others who do have the time and/or talents.  The important thing for each of us is to hear the question and respond as honestly as we can.

Maybe being a partner with Adelante Mujer, Inc. is a way that you can respond to the question posed to Katharine Drexel.  Visit womanadvance.com/ to learn more.

What About You?

  • Photos by Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, the community founded by St. Katharine Drexel

by Sister Diane–October 12, 2015
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