A generous and talented benefactor not only designed, but also donated the beautiful Christmas card you received in December. Each of the cards contained a photo of one of our students.
During Sister Diane’s visit to Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua last month, she asked each class a particular question. I thought you might gain some insight into who these women are if we shared some of their answers. I’m sorry I won’t be able to write about all of them since we currently have many students and my space is limited.
When Candy, a 3rd year student, was asked what part of being a medical student she liked the best she first talked about how much she appreciates URACCAN’s emphasis on the intercultural medicine program. Candy speaks 3 languages which is helpful when working in the countryside with the indigenous population. She is also learning English. She added, “it’s time the east coast get appropriate medical care.”
Frijia, also in year 3, said she has a desire to be in solidarity with the people of Waspam. Frijia is from that area and moved to Puerto Cabezas with her mother and 2 children so that she can attend the university. Her husband had to leave the family to work in Managua to help support them while she studies medicine.
Keyla, year 4, was asked, “What was the most difficult situation you saw or performed?” She said she feels she has overcome many obstacles already, but the most fearful one so far was in obstetrics. “There is so much going on during a birth because you have to pay attention to both the mother and the baby.” She has learned so much from assisting in a birth and found that she has lost her fear and absolutely loves it.
The question asked of the year 5 students was, “Are you ready for your 6th and final year at the university? What challenges are you expecting?” Nearly everyone expressed gratitude to God, relief at having made it through 5 years, and looked forward, with a little fear of the unknown, to the challenge of the last year. Karla looks forward to having more involvement in the community. Junieska said that without the help of Adelante Mujer she probably would not have been able to continue her studies. Conny said she was happy they will all be entering together. Farlin is very proud that she made it this far but she couldn’t have done it without the financial help of Adelante Mujer. Merling cannot deny some fear because becoming a doctor is a big responsibility.
The 6th year students have all been sent out to various parts of the east coast to help deal with a serious outbreak of malaria. We had hoped to attend their graduation in Dec., but it has been postponed. We understand they will return to Puerto Cabezas in February when they will possibly graduate. Nothing there is certain. The graduation will happen when they
Rita Thomas ~ Board Member ~ January 2019
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