In Their Own Words

In July, we shared that our campaign to raise money for computers was a success.  Our onsite coordinator in Nicaragua wrote, “The girls told me to say thanks for this great help and some of them said that they were going to say thanks personally, they are so happy and thankful.”  Many of the women have written to show their gratitude for the computers, and for ongoing financial support.  We would like to share some of that appreciation in their own words.

“I already received the computer and I want to thank you infinitely for the support that you and together with the organization give us. Many, many thanks!” – Dora 

“Thank you for giving me the computer, I am very happy and grateful to all of you for your support…I will always be grateful, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be studying.” – Xochilt

“…to the donors who provide a seed for the girls of the medical school, God bless those hands, their jobs, their lives and their families.  I always keep them present in my prayers.” – Katia 

“I am very grateful for the support and your good wishes that you give me. It is a joy for me to belong to this organization of ADELANTE MUJER.” – Zuleyka

“I must tell you that I am deeply grateful to you and Adelante Mujer for allowing me to be part of the scholarship.” – Athzhiri 

“Thank you very much for always having me in the plans of the Adelante Mujer program and being able to be part of this great work that is a great blessing to me. I hope in the Lord Jesus Christ to always get ahead and never give up until I am a good Doctor as a useful instrument to save lives.” – Dominga  

“Thank you very much for giving me this financial support, I hope to meet your expectations and I will continue studying to be able to meet my goals. Thank you very much again, I am very grateful.” – Yatzhari 

We appreciate the generosity you showed to help 27 Adelante Mujer students receive the technology they need to study more effectively and efficiently.  Thank you for all your support of these future doctors!

~~~~~~ Karen Heuberger, Executive Director, September 2021 ~~~~~~



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