Due to the current pandemic, our regular meeting room was closed the day before the March meeting of Adelante Mujer Board of Directors. Our gathering had to be cancelled. Voting on important issues was conducted by email responses and business pretty much continued as usual. Then, before the Annual Meeting scheduled in July, it was agreed that an in-person, half day session was less than feasible and, besides, the facility for the meeting was still closed to outsiders. This time a 3-hour meeting by Zoom was scheduled and, gratefully, it proceeded without a hitch. The important ministry of Adelante Mujer goes on without an office to work in and without a meeting room for nine devoted women to discuss business in our familiar space.
Adelante Mujer Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom on July 17, 2020
2020 has challenged us to focus. It requires 20/20 vision for what we need to do and how to do it. As you can see, the Adelante Mujer Board of Directors has met the test. We are carefully managing the organization to the benefit of our 42 women medical students who depend on our support. We are developing plans to maintain donations despite the financial stress placed on so many people this year. We are preparing for the future with the stability demanded of all viable and small organizations like Adelante Mujer. Our current students need us for the next 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 years of medical school they face. The focus is on them.
We are busy, we are blessed, we see clearly what is ours to do. With your help and prayers, success will follow the 20/20 vision through the 2020 challenges we creatively embrace.
Top: Rita Thomas, Joan Schilke, Esther Hicks
Middle: Mary Gorske, Sister Susan Stucki, CSA, Sister Diane Bauknecht, CSA
Bottom: Barb Senn, Sister Jean Perry, CSA, Recording Secretary, Paula Elmer
Not pictured, Dr. Ann Schlaefer who attended via phone Zoom
Sister Diane, CSA ~ August, 2020