I can’t help observing other shoppers as they push their loaded carts down the aisles in the busy stores. Ah, it’s Christmas again. Sometimes I see smiles on their faces. I imagine they feel they have just scored the perfect gift for someone. Other times, I only see tension. How can I please my family on this limited budget, is written all over their pinched faces as they check price tags. As December 24 approaches, some shoppers seem to disintegrate into a mad frenzy. Just grab at anything that Uncle Charley can smile at when he unwraps it, even though no one can think of anything he really wants or needs.
It’s too bad when Christmas gifting becomes stressful. Giving should be a pleasure. It should bring a smile to our faces and a warm feeling to our hearts. “People should give what they have decided in their hearts to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Perhaps this sign should be posted in big, bold, block letters over the doorway of every store.
I am aware that most of our readers have already donated to Adelante Mujer. You already understand what a powerful gift you give and I’m sure it brings a warm feeling to your heart. Your donations literarily save lives.
We, the Adelante Mujer Board of Directors, thank you and wish you all a very blessed, warm, and happy Christmas.
Rita Thomas ~ Board Member ~ December 2019