So How Did the Interviews Go?

That’s the most asked question when we return from one of our bi-annual trips to Puerto Cabezas. It’s really the most important thing we do there, after all.

The most recent trip, in May 2019, we interviewed 14 applicants who were for the most part, 2nd year students. They were all very impressive young women; but then, they really must be quite remarkable people to have gotten to the university level considering the daily hardships they face.

Of the 14 applicants, we accepted the 5 pictured above. The reasons for 9 not being accepted were mostly because of missing grades or grades below our required 80% GPA. They were encouraged to study harder and to apply again in Dec. 2019. I hope we see all of them again, but of course we worry some may have to leave the medical program due to lack of funds.

They live precarious lives. Many things are completely out of their control. While there, because the usual rains didn’t come in the beginning of May, the hotel ran out of water and I’m certain most other people did too. We were able to buy water to drink and wash with, but imagine having to add the expense of water if you were already barely able to afford enough food. 

The money you donate is so vital to their continued education. A simple thing like delayed rain or a family supporter missing work can cause the need to drop out and go to work. The $90 per month they receive from your donations assures they will be able to acquire the required study materials, medical supplies needed to work at the hospital, and a daily meal (or water) necessary to survive. Your donations are literally often life-saving for them. They are grateful. 

Rita Thomas ~ Board Member ~ July 2019

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